Saturday, September 8, 2012

Law-speak Translated...

Even if a legal professional may be lucky enough to speak with a client in the native language of the client, the attorney tends to use a special set of words unique to the profession.

Experienced professionals who have grown comfortable using the words of the profession might want to think about whether they are using words not commonly used by non-professionals.
For example, a real estate attorney might use specific real estate words, easement, etc. unfamiliar to many. Patent attorneys speak a rather unusual language even though it is English. They use words like "prosecution". Most clients unfamiliar with patents, think of prosecution as what a prosecutor does but no, in the patent specialty arena, it refers to the events that occur between filing and issuing a patent application between the government agency and the patent attorney.
The first step in building a good relationship with a client is recognizing that the professional, particularly an experienced one, uses words that are quite often unfamiliar to their client. The second step is to translate those words into words the client is comfortable with using, without misrepresenting any facts, timelines, or details that are materially important to serving the client.
Recognizing the special language spoken by the attorney, and tuning that vocabulary to communicate on the same level as the client, is critical to the success of the attorney/client relationship. By recognizing differences in vocabulary the attorney can build from a common basis with a client. That common basis is fundamental to building a trust relationship that can last for decades.
The following are examples of lawyer speak translated to common vernacular:

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Simple Ain't Easy...

For five years, the Simple Church has been in existence but it had been the dream of the senior pastor, Justin Haigler for over 15 years.
I encourage you to listen to the podcast from this past Sunday (September  2, 2012). If it doesn't cause some stir in your heart, you may be dead.
I am glad to have been involved since the beginning. I look forward to what is going to happen in the next five years and beyond. Already, I have been stretched beyond my wildest imagination and I know there is so much more on the horizon.
If you are interested in attending a church that is completely different from anything you can imagine, check out .
Designated by the simplicity even in our name, The Simple Church exists for those of us who are tired of religion getting in the way of knowing who God is. We exist to make a place for all walks of life to come together for support, relationships, help, and most importantly, to answer questions about a God who loves us.
We have a very simple philosophy, love God and love people. We do not judge here. We “simply” say, come as you are. No more red tape to get to God. It’s simple here, because that is who we are.
Lifegroups will start next week. For more information about them, you can check them out. I am particularly interested in some of the support groups. One or two are particularly intriguing, but I would like to know your thoughts about some of the groups offered.
Feel free to share any comments or concerns you have about the Simple Church, its mission, philosophy or life groups. I wonder if there will be as much backlash from this post as there was about "bullying." I hope so!
Just wait until I start blogging about homosexuality, Christianity and the Church. That will surely bring out the crazies on all sides!